CRI Sofdec2  Last Updated: 2022-11-21 16:25 p
Basic Usage Instructions
This section provides basic instructions for using the Sofdec2 Viewer.

Launching the Sofdec2 Viewer

When the Sofdec2 Viewer is launched, the following window is displayed.
(File name: Sofdec2Viewer.exe)

Main Window

Selecting a File for Playback

If you select [Open] under the [File] menu, the File Dialog is displayed.
Select the movie file you want to play in the File Dialog.

You can also drag and drop the movie file you want to play onto the main window.
When you open the movie file, the movie window opens and starts playing.


Click the [Play] button to begin playback of the selected movie.
Click the [Pause] button to pause playback of the selected movie. At this time, if you click the seek bar, you can move the current frame back and forth using the left and right cursor keys.
Movie Playback

You can move the movie window by dragging it.
Double-click the movie window to maximize it.
You can unmaximize with double click or "Esc" key at the maximization.

Switching Audio

(1) Multi-track Movies

  • [Audio Track] Combo Box
    When playing a movie with multiple audio tracks, such as a multilingual movie , you can select the audio for playback from the [Audio Track] combo box.

    Changing an audio track

  • [Audio Track] Display
    When a movie is selected, the items displayed in the [Audio Track] combo box change based on the audio tracks included in that movie.

    Audio Track Display Examples
    Text Description
    NON No audio
    00 USA(2) Track 0, Stereo
    01 USA(6) Track 1, 5.1-channel surround
(a) USA indicates that it is a Sofdec2 audio stream.
(b) The number inside the parentheses indicates the number of audio channels that are included in the track.

(2) Multilingual Surround Sound Movies

Multilingual Surround Sound Movies is a movie that contains 5.1-channel surround sound audio tracks as well as audio tracks for different languages ("voice tracks"). This enables you to play BGM in 5.1-channel surround sound along with an audio track for a specified language.

Changing a voice track
  • [Voice Track] Combo Box
    Use the [Voice Track] combo box to switch between voice tracks for different languages.
    You can also select [OFF] in the combo box to not play any voice tracks.

Switching Subtitles

You can switch between subtitles in a usr_cmew_adv1 by specifying the subtitle channel.

  • Subtitle Channel Specification
    Specify the subtitle channel for a subtitled movie in the [Subtitle Ch] combo box.

    Switching Subtitles

  • Subtitle Character Encoding Specification
    When you play a subtitled movie, the subtitles are displayed based on the timing specified in theSubtitle Information Files.
    Multiple character encoding methods are supported for subtitles, and you can switch between them in the [View] menu.

    Subtitle Character Encoding Specification

  • Setting the Font for Displaying Subtitles
    You can set the font to use when displaying subtitles.
    Set the font for displaying subtitles on the [Subtitles] Tab in the [Options] Dialog.

[Notes] Subtitled Movies that Support Multiple Languages
When playing subtitled movies that support multiple languages, specify a font package that contains the fonts for each of those languages.
For example, "Arial Unicode MS" contains the fonts for all languages.

Previewing Alpha Movies

When you play a Alpha Movies, you can use the alpha channel to preview the movie and see the background through the transparent parts of the movie.
  • Changing the Background
    To make confirming the alpha channel easier, you can select between different background patterns. Currently, you can select between the following two backgrounds from the menu bar. Choose the appropriate background for the alpha channel used in the movie you want to play.
    1. Black (default)
    2. Checkerboard pattern

      Background Specification